St. Louis Unix Users Group St. Louis UNIX Users Group   Your Forum for exchanging information about open standards, open systems, open source, products, services and architectures
  Saint Louis MO - STL Unix Users Group Steering Committee


This page is for SLUUG Steering Committee use.

The Saint Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG) is an IRS 501c(6) designated not-for-profit professional association dedicated to education and communication among computer users. SLUUG members include many Linux and UNIX professionals, Networking experts, hobbyists, students, plus many who are interested in Unix, Unix-like Operating Systems, Linux, BSD and other Free Open Source Software (FOSS) applications, products and services.

ONLINE Sessions

  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE session will next use ZOOM remote video service on 4 September 2024.
  • What!

    This page is for SLUUG Steering Committee use.

    Wiki agenda/minutes:

  • Overview
  • 2024

  • 2024-09-30 ~ for October when available
  • 2024-09-04 ~ for September
  • 2024-08-05 ~ for August
  • 2024-07-03 ~ for July
  • 2024-06-03 ~ for June
  • 2024-04-29 ~ for May
  • 2024-04-01 ~ for April
  • 2024-03-04 ~ for March
  • 2024-02-05 ~ for February
  • 2024-01-03 ~ for January
  • 2023

  • 2023-12-04 ~ for December
  • 2023-10-30 ~ for November
  • 2023-10-02 ~ for October
  • 2023-08-28 ~ for September
  • 2023-07-31 ~ for August
  • 2023-06-26 ~ for July
  • 2023-06-05 ~ for June
  • 2023-05-01 ~ for May
  • 2023-04-03 ~ for April
  • 2023-02-27 ~ for March
  • 2023-01-30 ~ for February
  • 2023-01-09 ~ for January
  • Possible Agenda Issues

  • Your suggestions?

  • Attendance Rolls

  • Latest LibreOffice (LO) BASE attendance database: download , then run LO on saved file.
  • CY2021 LibreOffice (LO) BASE database. Download, then run LO on saved file.
  • CY2021 CY2021 LibreOffice (LO) Calc Spreadsheet.
  • CY2021 CY2021 LibreOffice (LO) PDF from Calc Spreadsheet.

  • Planning Schedule:

  • Overview
  • Report You may need to refresh your browser cache, to see any newer version.
  • Latest LibreOffice (LO) BASE planning database: download , then run LO on saved file.

  • Ballots:

    SLUUG Annual Meeting and Elections are in month of February

    Attendance at any two SLUUG or other SLUUG sponsored meetings in previous Calendar Year entiles voting in the SLUUG Annual Meeting and Elections the month of February.

  • ballot2024.pdf
  • ballot2023.pdf
  • ballot2022.pdf
  • ballot2021.pdf
  • ballot2020.pdf

  • Item 5

    What else could we possibly find useful on this page?

    SLUUG Sponsored meetings in the STL Metro Area

    Click here if you do not see mini-calendar below

    Steering Committee and Meeting Minutes

    The St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG) Steering Committee (often refered to as STEERCOM) is open to all members and new comers. That means you do not have to be an elected or appointed officer to influence our activities. Officers and committee members report on their activies and we try to plan what gets done. Volunteers do the work and make the decisions.

    The meetings are usually held the 1st Monday of the month, or atleast nine (9) days prior to the main SLUUG General meeting. We try to begin by 6:30 PM. We previously met at the St. Louis Bread Company, at Old Olive and Olive, west of Lindbergh (across from the Schnucks and behind the AMC 12).

    Please note that these minutes are unofficial. The official minutes are created from the unofficial minutes, printed, and stored in the Secretary's folder.

    All of our meetings are free and open to the public. There is no individual membership fee.

    Other independent, loosely affiliated SLUUG sponsored Special Interest Groups:


  • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
  • ONLINE session will use ZOOM remote video software.
  • Instructions may be given here when available. They will first be sent to our Mailing Lists.
  • When!

    Wednesday, September 30th, 2024

    From 6:30PM till 9:00PM Central Daylight Time (CDT) UTC-05:00

    We will open the remote session at about 6:00 PM CDT, so that you can join early to test your microphone, screen and video sharing.

    Remote Video Recordings

    Steering Committee Meetings

  • When available.
    • 2024-09-30 for October 2024
  • Available.
  • We have been video recording STEERCOM meetings since at least May 2020; but, usually only link to about four or five.

    We will be adding videos as we collect them and removing older ones.

    Contact SLUUG if you have a presentation you would like to have considered for selection.

    This site hosted by the Saint Louis Unix Users Group

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    Copyright ©  St. Louis UNIX Users Group  1992-2024 |