St. Louis Unix Users Group St. Louis UNIX Users Group   Your Forum for exchanging information about open standards, open systems, open source, products, services and architectures

Saint Louis Unix Users Group

The Saint Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG) is an IRS 501c(6) designated not-for-profit professional association dedicated to education and communication among computer users. SLUUG members include many Linux and UNIX professionals, Networking experts, System experts, hobbyists, and students. Also, many who are interested in Unix, Unix-like Operating Systems, Linux, BSD and other Free Open Source Software (FOSS) applications, products, projects and services.

We have met continuously since we incorporated in July 1992. All of our meetings are free and open to the public. There is no individual membership fee.

Monthly Technical Presentations

Connection instructions will first be sent to our mailing lists and then linked here .

We will open the remote session at about 6:00 PM, Central Time, so that you can join early to test your microphone, screen sharing and video camera .

Then we start at 6:30 PM with our BASE introductory level session ( often focused on personal computing ); which may include either amazing graphical packages, blinking lights, command line wonders, demonstrations of useful applications, displays of newly discovered web sites, major resolution of long standing anomalies, quantum discoveries, smoke and mirrors, superb tutorials, or shifts in both time and space.

Sometime after 7:00 PM we attempt a quick welcome, introductions, announcements, current events of interest, and a general CALL FOR HELP (Questions and Answers) segment.

Sometime after 7:15 PM, we may take a short break before our MAIN topic ( often focused on enterprise computing ),

  • NEW In what order or sequence are the meeting events held? SLUUG_Meeting

  • Where!

    • Online Sessions only.
    • NO PHYSICAL MEETINGS until further notice.
    • These sessions will use ZOOM remote video service.


    Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

    From 6:30PM till 9:00PM Central Daylight Time (CDT) UTC-05:00

    We will open the remote session at about 6:00 PM CDT, so that you can join early to test your microphone, screen and video sharing.

    Next scheduled meeting dates


    Something fundamental, introductory, instructive, short, simple or small.

    BASE Topic: Improve Cybersecurity with AI

    Presenter: Tony Zafiropoulos

  • Save time with AI in your cybersecurity efforts...
  • How can we use AI for cybersecurity?
  • Use AI to improve on our cybersecurity defense, keep up with the challenges, what is the role of AI?
  • Use AI to enhance vulnerability assessments, and some predictions within our environment.
  • How can AI help in real-time monitoring and threat intelligence?
  • Help in incident response, behavioral analytics, phishing detection.
  • What are it's limitations, such as false positives?
  • Are there ethical considerations (privacy and data handling).
  • Finally discuss a bit of the future of AI in cybersecurity
  • Q and A with any time remaining.

  • Something more advanced, detailed, important, new, profound, significant, timely or useful.

    MAIN Topic: Job Control in BASH shell

    Presenter: Steven_Lembark

  • BASH for Control Freaks...Job control freaks.
  • Bourne Again SHell.
  • BASH v5 is a general-purpose tool.

  • Today we will look at:
    • Job Control: Running background jobs.
    • Control Freaks Welcome

  • BASH processes can be managed as "jobs".
  • Processes can be
    • Put in the background.
    • Brought to the foreground.
    • Stopped and Started.
    • Listed and Tracked.
    • Control Freaks Welcome

  • man 1 bash;
  • Job control refers to the ability to selectively stop (suspend) the execution of processes and continue (resume) their execution at a later point. A user typically employs this facility via an interactive interface supplied jointly by the operating system kernel's terminal driver and bash.
    • Step 1: Backgrounding
    • Step 2 : Foregrounding
    • bg and SIGHUP
    • %1 %ce %?ce Yep. You'll learn what these do/mean.

  • (possible revised abstract coming soon)

  • Possible Future Topics

    Other independent, loosely affiliated SLUUG sponsored Special Interest Groups:

    Click here if you do not see past presentations listing

    Contact SLUUG if you have a presentation you would like to have considered for selection.

    This site hosted by the Saint Louis Unix Users Group

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