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St. Louis Security Group

A SLUUG Special Interest Group

The Security SIG meets on the 4th Wednesday of most months at 1710 Deer Tracks Trail, Suite #240, St. Louis, MO 63131.

Start time is 6:30 PM, stop time is 8:00 PM, out by 8:30 PM.

Sessions usually include Hands on Lab using both Microsoft Windows XP and GNU/Linux (Unix) PC workstations.

Here is our password guidelines (~510 Kb PDF) for beginners.

Upcoming meetings:

  • 27 June 2007 - - Continued Examination of Snort and BASE by Chris Byrd, CISSP
  • 25 July 2007 - - Topic To Be Determined
  • 29 August 2007 - - Topic To Be Determined
  • Some Past meetings:

  • 30 May 2007 - - Snort and Base by Clarence Johnson
  • 25 April 2007 - - Advanced SSH by Carl Fitch (Re-Scheduled from March)
  • 28 March 2007 - - NO MEETING - Canceled - Unable to access rooms on this date
  • 28 February 2007 - - NO MEETING - Canceled Due to Multiple Conflicts
  • 24 January 2007 - - Security Certifications by Stan Reichardt
  • xx December 2006 - - There was NO meeting this month (UMSL Holiday Schedule closes building)
  • 29 November 2006 - - Hands On - Using Encryption Applications
  • 25 October 2006 - - Primer on Encryption by Mark Buchanan
  • 27 September 2006 - - Network Diagnostics & Deep Packet Scanning by Ed Morrisy of Global Velocity
  • 30 August 2006 - - Hands on Lab: Metasploit (Inside Out Hacking -- Bypassing Firewalls) by Chris Byrd, CISSP
  • 26 July 2006 - - Hands on Lab: OpenVPN by Mark Buchanan
  • 28 June 2006 - - Hands on Lab With Laptops - Basic Linux Security
  • 24 May 2006 - - Hands on Lab With Laptops - Wireless Troubleshooting - Kismet & Other Diagnostic Tools
  • 26 April 2006 - - Hands on Lab With Laptops - Wireless Security Hacks
  • 22 March 2006 - - Using dd_rescue and dd_rhelp by Carl Fitch
  • 22 February 2006 - - Hands on Lab - Using KDE STP Nessus
  • 25 January 2006 - Hands on Lab - Web Server Hacks and SSL - 234Kb SSL Certificates Guide
  • 28 December 2005 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: - Meeting CANCELLED Because Center Closed
  • 30 November 2005 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: - Hands on Lab - Windows XP Hacks by Clarence Johnson
  • 26 October 2005 - Hands on Lab - OpenBSD Personal Firewall by Barry Morrison
  • 28 September 2005 - - Network Security Assessment by VistaWiz
  • 31 August 2005 -- Delayed then Cancelled due to conflicts
  • 27 July 2005 - Hands on Lab - Knoppix Hacks
  • 29 June 2005 - Hands on Lab - Installing OpenBSD
  • 25 May 2005 -- Hands on Lab - Cisco Password Recovery
  • 27 April 2005 -- Hands on Lab - Using scripts to change iptables
  • 23 March 2005 -- Hands on Lab - More Computer Forensics
  • 23 February 2005 -- Hands on Lab - Exploring Wireless Security
  • 26 January 2005 -- Hands on Lab - Computer Forensics Using Knoppix STD tool Autopsy - 300K Guide sheet
  • 17 December 2004 -- (Holiday schedule) Hands On Lab Using Knoppix Security Tools Distribution (STD)
  • 17 November 2004 -- (Holiday schedule) Hands On Lab Using Ethereal to Analyse TCP/UID packets
  • 27 October 2004 -- Presentation of Security in IPV6 by Jeffrey Ziesemann
  • 22 September 2004 -- Cancelled due to conflicts
  • 25 August 2004 -- Covered general Cryptogrophy concepts and hands on using PGP
  • 28 July 2004 -- Covered Intrusion Detection using SNORT with hands on examples
  • Our Sponsor:

    The UM-St. Louis Microcomputer Program provides the training lab rooms and computers for these hands-on sessions. These facilities are at the West County Computer Center near Interstate 270 and Manchester Road, see this map .

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