00:30:07 Don Lachlan (Atlanta): I can hear now. All good. I probably won't speak but I may type. 00:30:38 Grant T.: Reacted to "I can hear now. All ..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 00:37:00 Aldo Martinez Selleras: what if we debate about how to restrict the authentication to only using keys, from the server side, also, how to automate the deployment of the key to multiple servers... 00:38:22 Aldo Martinez Selleras: yes, it's well pronounced! thank you 00:39:03 stan reichardt: 2022-02-07_OpenSSH_for_Absolute_Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FKsdbjzBcc 00:39:09 Grant T.: โ€˜sshpassโ€™ 00:39:23 stan reichardt: 2023-12-01_OpenSSH_is_about_to_change._For_the_better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdfBbpJPTGc 00:41:02 ANDY IN TEXAS: thank you for the YouTube links 00:42:07 ANDY IN TEXAS: use yellow sticky only for master password for password manager program 00:42:44 ANDY IN TEXAS: last pass 00:42:58 ANDY IN TEXAS: think he meant 00:44:06 Grant T.: Reacted to "think he meant" with ๐Ÿ˜‰ 00:44:21 stan reichardt: 2021-10-27_SSH_Key_Authentication_How_to_Create_SSH_Key_Pairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33dEcCKGBO4 00:45:32 Aldo Martinez Selleras: i do have another question! usually, when we create a ssh key, we are asked about a passphrase, what about if we need to automate the creation of the keys, how to skip that step about the passphrase 00:45:44 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines: now we know the password is three 00:46:18 ANDY IN TEXAS: is the passphrase in place of using a password ? 00:47:33 Andrew Denner: -N "" will have a passphrase of "" 00:47:35 stan reichardt: 2016-04-30_Linux_Tip_How_To_Use_SSH_Remote_Login https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLyjnuWVqMk 00:47:45 ANDY IN TEXAS: ty stan 00:47:50 Andrew Denner: or "none" 00:48:10 stan reichardt: 2019-07-29_Simple_SSH_Setup_for_Ubuntu_and_Linux_Mint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjDmqIo-5i0 00:48:34 Aldo Martinez Selleras: Reacted to "-N "" will have a pa..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 00:48:44 Aldo Martinez Selleras: Replying to "-N "" will have a pa..." thank you 00:48:50 stan reichardt: 2023-02-03_A_Look_at_SSH_in_and_SFTP_in_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMHxgoAupkE 00:50:07 stan reichardt: 020-12-18_OpenSSH_Full_Guide-Everything_you_need_to_get_started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS5Zh7KExvE 00:50:38 Aldo Martinez Selleras: thank you!! 00:50:43 ANDY IN TEXAS: thank you 00:50:51 Andrew Denner: "if i have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" I looked up the -N 00:50:59 Grant T.: Youโ€™re welcome. Thank you for the good comments and questions. Participation is key! 00:51:12 Grant T.: Reacted to ""if i have seen furt..." with ๐ŸŽ‰ 00:57:55 Andrew Denner: I know at CIALUG we take pull requests on our bylaws and COC 00:58:19 Grant T.: Replying to "I know at CIALUG we ..." As in git pull requests? 00:59:12 Andrew Denner: Replying to "I know at CIALUG we ..." yep, we keep them in a git repo and anyone who cares can send a pull request. (no one has cared to yet) 00:59:24 Grant T.: Reacted to "yep, we keep them in..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 01:06:06 Andrew Denner: I knew I was forgetting to do something... 01:06:22 Grant T.: Replying to "I knew I was forgett..." Crap do we need a new presenter for main? 01:07:29 Andrew Denner: Replying to "I knew I was forgett..." no keeping the SO happy for Valentines Day... though there are better speakers out there likely :-) 01:07:49 Grant T.: Replying to "I knew I was forgett..." ๐Ÿ˜† 01:09:19 Andrew Denner: NFS has kerb, but also there is a reason he is a hell hound 01:18:00 stan reichardt: journalctl --since "2015-01-10 17:15:00" journalctl --since "2015-01-10" --until "2015-01-11 03:00" journalctl --since yesterday 01:20:39 stan reichardt: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-journalctl-to-view-and-manipulate-systemd-logs sudo vim /etc/systemd/journald.conf [Journal] Storage=persistent 01:23:33 Grant T.: The RHEL systems that Iโ€™ve been on the default is to use the systemd-juournald will do persistent if the /var/log/journal directory exists. If it doesnโ€™t, it will log to /run/log/journal, on tmpfs / non-persistent. No need to actually edit any config file. 01:26:01 Ron BC: Reacted to "The RHEL systems t..." with ๐Ÿ‘ 01:26:17 stan reichardt: journalctl --list-boots journalctl -b journalctl -b -1 01:27:15 Gay, Henry Matthew: Left is config file, right is generate the key for CSR 01:42:57 Ron BC: I see nothing in `man logger` about setting a date / time for the log entry. Which is good - logs should be monotonic! 01:43:27 Ron BC: At least, I can't think of a valid reason without Bad Possibilitiesโ„ข for allowing such a thing. 01:47:27 Grant T.: Reacted to "I see nothing in `ma..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 01:47:39 Grant T.: Reacted to "At least, I can't th..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 01:55:20 Gay, Henry Matthew: --since 1h 01:56:45 Ron BC: journalctl ... --since -1hr <-- needs "minus" or "plus" for relative times, works for --until too 01:58:49 Ron BC: I really like the --vacuum-size, --vacuum-time, and --vacuum-files options to journalctl! 02:05:32 Gay, Henry Matthew: for systemd defaults this command might be beneficial systemctl show 02:06:41 Ron BC: # du -chs /var/log/journal/ 4.1G /var/log/journal/ # journalctl --vacuum-size 1G Vacuuming done, freed 0B of archived journals from /var/log/journal. ... Vacuuming done, freed 0B of archived journals from /run/log/journal. # du -chs /var/log/journal/ 1.1G /var/log/journal/ 02:06:55 Grant T.: Reacted to "# du -chs /var/log/j..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 02:14:40 Ron BC: One could copy the raw journal files from /var/log/journal/* somewhere. Then query those with `journalctl --directory=/path/to/archive ...` 02:15:18 Grant T.: Replying to "One could copy the r..." Agreed. But how do you keep journalctl from purging when you look at them some time later. I want the defaults to not clean the archived files. 02:21:30 Gay, Henry Matthew: ctl + r is reverse search allows you the type characters of what you ran and it should autocomplete 02:21:51 Grant T.: Reacted to "ctl + r is reverse s..." with โž• 02:22:33 Aldo Martinez Selleras: Reacted to "ctl + r is reverse s..." with โž• 02:23:38 Ron BC: Aha, that excellent question by Grant has an answer. 02:23:55 Ron BC: journalctl --output export > binary-log.file 02:24:52 Grant T.: Replying to "journalctl --output ..." How do you subsequently work with the log file without journalctl archiving / vacuum / rotating things? Or will it not archive / vacuum / rotate the exported logs? 02:25:31 Ron BC: Export it outside the /var/log folder. Then, for later analysis: journalctl --directory /path/to/archive ... 02:35:20 Ron BC: Replying to "journalctl --outpu..." And now I know how to properly reply to a comment. Took a hot minute to see how Grant did it... 02:36:31 Gay, Henry Matthew: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-journalctl-to-view-and-manipulate-systemd-logs for reference however man pages are always the best reference 02:38:05 Ron BC: Oh, maybe info is showing me man page? -----Info: (*manpages*)systemctl 02:38:20 Ron BC: Replying to "Oh, maybe info is ..." That was from ```info systemctl``` 02:39:19 Gay, Henry Matthew: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/systemd-journal-remote.service.8.html 02:41:42 Gay, Henry Matthew: fluentd or fluentbit 02:45:25 Gay, Henry Matthew: Thank you for your time and knowledge 02:51:16 Ron BC: https://www.canadacomputers.com/en/amd-motherboards/251093/msi-x670e-gaming-plus-wifi-amd-atx-am5-x670e-gaming-plus-wifi.html ^--- Motherboad in question 02:52:36 Gay, Henry Matthew: marktext.cc 02:53:33 Andrew Denner: looks like you can use Rsyslog to read a bunch of log files and then inject them into the system logs as well as more advanced log aggregation across machines 02:56:11 Andrew Denner: also instead of MD I have done LaTeX beamer slide decks before... the meta part is when you give a presentation about creating a LaTeX slide deck with the slide deck... 02:56:26 Gay, Henry Matthew: Use with caution to reset drivers Win + Ctrl + Shift + B 02:58:50 Andrew Denner: my slide deck 02:59:43 Andrew Denner: Andrew Denner / CIALUG January 2024 Logging ยท GitLab git repo of files used