00:50:42 Grant T.: If you read this, you are tonight’s chat monitor. 00:58:17 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: not worth putting a hypervisor under the server so you can have a sandbox to play in? 01:22:32 David B: ROM in BASIC 01:24:37 Phil B: SSI = Satelite Software International 01:24:46 Grant T.: Reacted to "SSI = Satelite Softw..." with 👍🏻 01:25:11 Phil B: The Z-80 was used in the TI-83 calculator. 01:25:52 David B: Also the TRS-80 Model 1, 2, 3 and 4 02:31:11 Grant T.: I believe the sound is for a lot faster modem than the one pictured. 02:31:37 David B: BBS PCbaord, Mustang 02:34:58 Grant T.: Except the software that comes on the systems isn’t worth nearly the price of the system. 02:37:05 Robert Levitt: It was a forerunner to the later Macintosh. 02:57:35 Grant T.: Where does TCP/IP becoming the standard interact with OSI / GOSIP? 02:58:23 Lee Lammert: OSI was a later attempt to create a logical packet protol, .. 02:59:48 Gary Meyer: Trek rules! 03:02:32 tony.c: they do have a replicators 03:02:34 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: I didn't see tron till after it wasn't that cool any more 03:30:13 tony.c: sooo iconic 03:32:33 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: purportedly "where's the beef" was ad libbed by the actress's, not on the script 03:38:58 tony.c: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that. " 03:43:38 David B: Get a new desk?? 03:43:58 Gary Meyer: Ala Scotty in Star Trek iV (The Whale Movie) speaking into the mouse..."Computer!!" 03:58:35 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: I think I felt my favorite was under represented. trs80m1 04:00:05 Robert Levitt: One machine they could have shown was the TRS-80 Color Computer. 04:01:53 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: is cpm for IBM pc available for playiang with 04:04:13 David B: KC4ZVW 04:04:22 David B: www.golug.org 04:05:00 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: https://www.theregister.com/2001/11/26/cp_m_collection_is_back/ 04:07:40 David B: MP/M 04:09:02 David B: ATDTnnn-nnnn 04:09:05 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: I missed the lies and destruction of PMMI 04:09:10 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: a local company to me 04:09:36 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: and their pmmi-103 was the first computer product I bought, even before a computer 04:14:04 Scott Granneman: https://www.retrotechnology.com/dri/howto_cpm.html 04:14:12 Scott Granneman: https://github.com/MockbaTheBorg/RunCPM 04:15:35 tony.c: face pubes 04:17:39 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Des Plaines area: i have printouts from ward and randy's cbbs, is there any interest? also log files saved on trs-80 m1 floppies, if readable 04:18:35 David B: www.orlandobsd.net 04:22:11 tony.c: too sleepy ... signing off... Great and detailed presentation Scott!