02:47:04 tony.c: Yes we need a DIY option! 02:50:44 PhilB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flipper_Zero 02:54:28 Ron BC: The chips in cards are considered superior to mag stripes, by a country mile! 02:55:18 Ron BC: Tap & go for convenience. And everything I've read is that Euro-something, MasterCard, & Visa have given quite a bit of consideration to security. 02:55:36 Ron BC: I don't think 90% of Canadians would go back. 02:56:24 Ron BC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EMV 02:56:32 tony.c: Locks only keep out honest people and amateurs ! 02:59:47 Ron BC: Hello US National Security Letters. 03:10:45 tony.c: Have slides advanced yet? 03:13:09 tony.c: UTC date conversions only 03:20:36 gary m: Yes. Slides advancing. 03:22:54 gary m: As I mentioned in the announcements.... GEOINT 2023 Symposium ~in StL but a national national event When May 21 – 24, 2023 Where America’s Center Convention Complex, St. Louis, Missouri https://usgif.org/events/ GEOINT: From Maps to Metaverse Sunday-Wednesday The Nation’s Largest Gathering of GEOINT Professionals 03:23:27 gary m: Its on the SLUUG.org/calendar 03:57:04 Ron BC: Open & closed intervals... [) Same as Python it sounds like? 04:09:51 Ron BC: GiST (Generalized Search Tree)-based index 04:10:01 Ron BC: GIN (Generalized Inverted Index)-based index 04:10:09 Pasham Adwani: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/textsearch-indexes.html#:~:text=For%20dynamic%20data%2C%20GiST%20indexes,but%20are%20slower%20to%20update. 04:12:22 james Conroy: Have to drop thank you all 04:12:51 Ron BC: CTEs probably work in most DBs, just not MySQL / MariaDB 04:13:47 Ron BC: https://www.databasestar.com/sql-cte-with/#Which_Databases_Support_Common_Table_Expressions 04:14:16 Ron BC: It is part of the SQL-99 standard, so any database that implements that standard will include this feature. 04:14:56 Ron BC: Common Table Expression (or CTE) 04:17:27 Ron BC: It's weird that the DoubleClick guys developed their own DB system instead of using PG. 04:17:53 Ron BC: They were dealing with 100,000+ queries per second and probably quite a bit of unstructured data... 04:18:48 Ron BC: Hence MongoDB, a strange but popular DB which allegedly has its benefits. 04:28:28 Sean T: If you've heard the line "Sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter." Writing maintainable code is like that. 04:32:01 Sean T: When I click the three dots, I get this