The SLUUG Cronicle

September 2003

St. Louis UNIX Users Group

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Table of Contents

Calendar of Events

Sep 1 Mon Labor Day -
Sep  2 Tue Gateway JUG 6:30pm-8:00pm
Sep  2 Tue MOSLUG 7:00pm-11:00pm
Sep 3 Wed SLUUG - Steering Committee 6:30pm-8:30pm
Sep  4 Thu SLACC - Linux Configuration Workshop 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sep  4 Thu SILUG - O'Fallon IL 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 4 Thu SILBSD - Fairview Heights IL 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 8 Mon StlAdvLUG 7:00pm-11:00pm
Sep 9 Tue CCSL Dinner Meeting ($ - RSVP) 5:30pm-
Sep 9 Tue Gateway Area Macintosh Users Group 7:00pm-
Sep 9 Tue LUCI - Newbie Night 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 10 Wed SLUUG 6:30pm-9:00pm
  Basics: Bash
  TOPIC: Linux Clusters
Sep 11 Thu Patriot Day -
Sep 11 Thu STLBSD 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 11 Thu St. Louis Java Users Group 6:30pm-8:00pm
Sep 15 Mon SILUG - Carbondale 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 16 Tue The Commonspace Computer Club 7:30pm-
Sep 16 Tue STLWEBDEV (NOTE: NEW Location) 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sep 17 Wed Gateway Computer Club - An Intro Into Linux 7:00pm-
Sep 18 Thu St. Louis LUG - Compiling the Kernel 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 21 Sun CWE-LUG 1:00pm-5:00pm
Sep 23 Tue First Day of Autumn -
Sep 23 Tue STLWEBDEV - XML SIG 6:30pm-
Sep 23 Tue Hazelwood LUG 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sep 23 Tue LUCI 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sep 25 Thu St. Charles LUG 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sep 26 Fri Native American Day -
Sep 28 Sun National Gold Star Mothers Day -

NOTE: More information on these groups, including locations and web sites, can be found in the "Meeting Locations" section below.

Next General Meeting is Wednesday, September 10

6:30 pm Basics Bash by James Roe
7:00 pm Announcements Standard Introductions & Procedures
7:05 pm Q & A An opportunity to ask technical questions
7:15 pm Break Social, off-line conversations, book sales
7:30 pm Presentation Linux Clusters by Tom Anstoetter and Lloyd Bruce, IBM


by James (Jim) Roe


This will be a brief dip into the shell waters of bash from a newbie's point of view.

This tutorial will be just for beginners about the Bourne Again Shell, that strange thing that is between the confused user at the keyboard and all those magical things behind the monitor. Just what a real newcomer to Linux asks himself and learns is usually interesting to all.


James Roe (call him Jim) is retired and has decided to devote a lot of time to learning about Linux. He now has one year under his belt in the Linux world and tries to explain things to himself by creating tutorials of a sort. He is willing to expose these mind games to others in hopes of giving a different way of looking at the subjects, and as a chance to learn even more from (hopefully) friendly feedback.


Linux Clusters
by Tom Anstoetter and Lloyd Bruce, IBM


In his book 'In Search of Clusters', Greg Pfister defines a cluster as a type of parallel or distributed system that consists of a collection of interconnected whole computers, and is used as a single, unified computing resource.

Many organizations have assembled Intel® (and other) processor-based servers into clusters of various types. Proprietary solutions such as Microsoft® Wolfpack and HP/Compaq Alpha TruCluster compete for mind share with the generic Beowulf clusters on Linux Intel boxes. Beowulf came from NASA researcher Donald Becker's solution to the problem of creating a supercomputing resource without having a supercomputing budget.

The Beowulf concept originated in the university world and focuses on price/performance only.

Enterprise ready solutions should consider:


Tom Anstoetter has been with IBM for 15 years as an xSeries and IntelliStation Sales Specialist, IntelliStation Field Technical Sales Specialist, AIX Systems Engineer, and a CATIA Systems Engineer. He is currently responsible for sales of IBM¿s Intel-based (xSeries) servers to the largest accounts in the St. Louis region.

Before joining IBM, Tom spent 8 years as a design engineer in the aerospace industry where he was involved design, automated design, and simulation in a number of aerospace vehicle programs, several of them classified. He received his bachelor¿s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Iowa State University.

Lloyd Bruce has over 14 years of experience in the Information Systems industry. He started his career as a field technician and quickly rose through the ranks. Among his many titles, Lloyd has held the positions of Systems Analyst and Client/Server Architect. Leveraging these skills, Lloyd turned to sales. He currently holds the position of Central Region Linux Cluster Sales Specialist. At IBM he manages a 14 state territory.

Lloyd has been involved in a wide array of projects ranging from programming, network design, personal computers and mainframe computers. He received his bachelor¿s degree from University of Missouri Columbia and his Masters in Computer Resources and Information Management from Webster University.

Ideas, questions and suggestions are welcome; please contact Terry Linhardt (

Book Sales

The O'Reilly and Associates line of books is available at each monthly general meeting as a convenience to our members. Proceeds from the book sales go toward running the organization. Most months we feature special offers on titles related to that month's presentation or tutorial topic. Discounts off retail prices are offered to all attendees.

Books that are not available at the meetings may be ordered to be picked up at the next SLUUG general meeting. Contact Sue Hurst (

September Special:

Books with a red sticker
(discontinued titles and older editions)
- 70% off
Books on special - 30% off
All other books - 25% off

Next St. Louis LUG Meeting Is September 18

Newcomer Adventures In Compiling the Kernel
    by James (Jim) Roe


This will be a refreshing dip into the vast waters of compiling the Linux kernel from a newbie's point of view. This quasi-tutorial and quasi-deomonstration about compiling the Linux kernel will be just for beginners. Much of this material was presented at the July Hazelwood LUG meeting, keeping all on the edge of their seats, but only for a short time. It kept everyone interested, because compiling the Linux kernel is a lot easier than it sounds.

The goal of compiling the Linux kernel is to get the optimal kernel configuration that will match the target machine. Learn about the planning, preparation and knowlege required to ensure an exact fit.

Just what a real newcomer to Linux asks himself and learns along the way is usually interesting to all.


James Roe (call him Jim) is retired and has decided to devote a lot of time to learning about Linux. Enough time to allow him to do this session and the SLUUG BASICS tutorial session about Bash on Septembear 10th as well. See his Bio given above.

Comments, questions, and ideas for the St. Louis Linux Users Group are welcome; please send email to


WARNING: These articles may express personal opinions and SLUUG exerts no more editorial control over such content than does a public library, bookstore, or newsstand. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed herein are those of the respective authors and not necessarily supported by SLUUG. SLUUG does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content, nor its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

Steering Committee Schedule Change

The St. Louis Unix Users Group Steering Committee has moved to meeting on the first Wednesday of each month. The previous schedule for Committee meetings being held the week after the general meeting was just too difficult to schedule. By keeping it as simply the first Wednesday we hope to make it easier to find a new permanent location.

The 3 September meeting will be held 6:30 PM at Malone's Grill and Bar, 11660 Administration Drive, St Louis, MO 63146-3534.

The following two Steering Committee meetings will be on 1 October and 5 November.

Collaborative Coding Competition

The DotGNU Project, which is part of the GNU project of the Free Software Foundation, is pleased to announce its first international Collaborative Coding Competition.

The participants in this competition will collaboratively complete the implementation of the System.Windows.Forms part of the C# class libraries for DotGNU Portable.NET, with the goal of duplicating the functionality of the proprietary library so that programs written against it can be run on Free Software.

The competition started on August 26, 2003 and ends after four months, or when DotGNU's System.Windows.Forms implementation is essentially complete, whatever happens first.

The following prizes will be awarded by a jury to five competition participants who make particularly valuable contributions:

See for more details.

Volunteer Editor Team Progress

Our position of Editor is open for a good volunteer. In fact we have two candidates that are learning the processes now. We would like to develope a team to share the work.

The tasks involve gathering and editing articles, event schedules and any newsworthy items for publication in our monthly newsletter.

The social process starts with reminding others that you don't manufature articles, the news, upcoming events or volumes of mindless sentences.

The editing process starts with creating the newsletter in HTML form and converting it into a simple text format for bulk email distribution. Neither process is very complicated.

Contact us by

Volunteer Librarian Progress

We would like to create a volunteer position of Librarian for the organization.

This would be a completely new volunteer position with the goal of placing copies of monthly presentations on our web sites. At this time we have one candidate that will be developing tasks and procedures from the ground up. We would like to develope a team to share the work.

Contact us by

Volunteer Sponsorship Manager Wanted

Our position of Sponsorship Manager is open for a good volunteer.

The tasks involve fund rasing by contacting and solicting potential corporate sponsors. Current corporate sponsorships start at $200 US per year and provide general operational funding for our activities.

Contact us by

My Friends...

[ this message was posted to our DISCUSS mailing list on 20 Aug 2003 -- Editor ]

Dear SLUUG listers,

Friday the 22nd, i will be leaving my job (and this email address). I am moving to Rolla to finish my EE degree (hopefully). I may get to continue to DISCUSS with my stlouisembedded account on yahoo, but time will probably not permit. Most likely will work 2 jobs and spending weekends with my son. So i would like to part with these words of thanks.

Back in 1998-99 I heard about this thing called Linux. Curious by nature i bought a book that came with RedHat 6.1. After many trials i setup a server for ftp, dialin, and half-life gaming. I was hooked. In my quest for like-minded people, i found I signed up for the listserv and never looked back.

Unfortunately i only atteneded 2 meetings over the years, but the information i have gleened from you members online is immeasurable. I have gone from not knowing much about OSS and *nix, knowing that there is even _more_ that i dont know :)

I have become a devout supporter of *nix and OSS in general. I mention it to everyone that i talk to about computers. I have always wanted to physically help at the InstallFests and other events to support the spread of OSS, but have not. Sorry.

Although i could not put your names to faces, i feel like i know you all. The people on this list have made me laugh, sparked ideas, and sometimes made me question their sanity. I have not given alot of helpfull advice, i admit, but i did try to provide some "color commentary".. although that may be questionable...i am the king of OT here.

I will close. I wont mention names (for fear of forgetting some), but you regulars are doing a great service to the community, and provided me with some friends (although text based :) . I wish you luck in the future. I hope to get back in DISCUSS sometime, but i dont know what the future holds for me for spare time. I had thought about spurring a mini-LUG at UMR. Who knows, .... probably not. I look forward to combining Linux into any of my future electronics projects, if i do i will certainly bring them to a meeting for show and tell.

So farewell for now, and thank you.

Bob Davis

The Commonspace Computer Club Forming

[ This information arrived too late for last month's newsletter -- Editor ]

The Commonspace Computer Club met Tuesday, August 19 at 615 North Grand in Grand Center at 7:30 p.m. See for directions.

The CCC is an opportunity for the geekily inclined to get together informally and share information about cool Web sites, software and hardware they've been playing with. Bring a laptop to try them out yourself. This month, [ August -- ed. ] there will be a presentation and call for volunteers for saintlist (, a new community bulletin board for St. Louis modeled after craigslist ( We'll also have fabulous door prizes from ThinkGeek ( If you'd like to make a presentation, let me know.

The CCC meets on the third Tuesday of each month. The Commonspace offers free Wi-Fi Internet access. Our bandwidth is generously donated by Primary Network. Also be sure to support our partners in caffeinated community building, People's Coffee:

For information contact Brian H. Marston by


You have the source; don't be afraid to use it.
       -- RedHat Linux 6 Unleashed, Sams, 1999

Security isn't easy, nor is it something that you can bolt onto a product after the fact.
       -- Bruce Schneier, Founder and CTO, Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. 

The price of freedom is responsibility, but it's a bargain, because freedom is priceless.
       -- Hugh Downs


For more information about sponsoring the St. Louis UNIX Users Group, contact us by (

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

As our membership grows, we have had some inquiries about the possibility of having Special Interest Groups in several areas. If you are interested in starting or participating in a SIG for System Administration, Networking, C, Object Oriented Programming, a specific vendor, etc., please contact any officer of the group.


SLUUG administration is volunteer based. We're always looking for volunteers to help with presentations, web page development, managing corporate sponsorships, and many other tasks. If you would like to help out contact Christine Wanta (


  President Christine Wanta
  Vice-President Ed Wehner
  Secretary Buck Pyland 
  Treasurer Mike Kriz 
  Linux Users Group Chair Frank Lipski
  Board of Directors Ed Wehner
Craig Buchek
Robert Citek
Stan Reichardt
Christine Wanta
  Presentations Terry Lindhardt
  Corporate Sponsors Christine Wanta
  O'Reilly Book Sales Sue Hurst
  Newsletter Editor Open position
  Librarian Open position
  PR Stan Reichardt
  Steering Committee Info Gary Meyer
  BBS Questions Gary Meyer
  Official Correspondence SLUUG Mailing Address PO Box 411302
St. Louis, MO 63141

Meeting Locations

SLUUG - St. Louis UNIX Users Group (
General Meeting

Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Free and open to the public. For the year 2003, we are meeting at:

Graybar Electric Co, Inc.
11885 Lackland Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63146

Directions: Take I-270 to Page east. Take first exit (Concourse). Turn right at stop light (Lackland). Turn right at stop light into Graybar parking lot. Enter building at main entrance and sign in with security guard. Proceed down 1 level to lake level and cafateria training room.


SLUUG - St. Louis UNIX Users Group (
Steering Committee

Meets the first Wednesday of each month, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Open to the public. This is where we make decisions on what topics to cover and other administration of the group. If you want to get involved, this is a good place to start. This month we will meet at:

Malone's Grill and Bar
11660 Administration Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63146

St. Louis Linux Users Group (STLLUG) (

Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The room is reserved starting at 6:00pm. (Ask a librarian to let you in if it is locked.) Members are encouraged to come early to mingle and/or give informal demos or presentations. Free and open to the public. (Formerly known as the Linux SIG.)

Indian Trails Library
8400 Delport Drive (at Midland)
St. Louis, MO
Directions:   Take I-170 to Page east. Turn left at North-South. Turn left at Midland. Drive 2 blocks and turn left on Delport. The library is on your left.


St. Charles LUG (

We expect that meetings will usually be held at 6:30pm to 9:00pm on the 4th Thursday of each month, except during December, which will probably not have a meeting.
This is a SIG of SLUUG, intended for all Linux users in the Western and Northern parts of the greater metro area.

513 South Main St. (just north of I-70)
O'Fallon, MO

Hazelwood LUG (

Generally meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Free and open to the public. This is a SIG of SLUUG, intended for Linux newbies.

Prairie Commons Library
915 Utz Lane (between Howdershell and Dunn)
Hazelwood, MO

CWE-LUG - Central West End LUG (

Generally meets on the third Sunday of the month from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Meetings are now held at the ACLU building.

4557 Laclede (just east of Euclid)
St Louis, MO 63108

Advanced LUG (

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month. This group is intended to be a venue for advanced topics as well as a time to work on Open Source projects as a group. Free and open to the public.

WDT Solutions
9450 Manchester, Suite 204
Rock Hill, MO

MOSLUG - MO Open Source LUG (

Meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month, from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. Meetings are free and open to everyone. This is a Linux Users Group (LUG) for all levels, from new beginners to the more advanced users.

Culpeppers Restaurant (basement)
312 S. Kirkwood Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122

STLBSD - St. Louis BSD Users (

They have held a number of monthly meetings, but no regular schedule yet. Also look for guys with little red daemons on their shirts at SLUUG and LUG meetings.

St. Louis Java Users Group (

Meets the 2nd Thursday of every month, 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Attendance is free, and you do not need to sign up -- just show up.

CityPlace One Auditorium
One City Place
Creve Coeur, MO 63141

Gateway Computer Club (

Meets 7:00pm to ?:00pm. Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Caseyville Township Bldg.
10001 Bunkum Rd.
Fairview Heights, IL

Gateway JUG (Java Users Group) (

Meets 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Please RSVP if you would like to attend.

Maryville Technologies
540 Maryville Centre Dr., Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63141

STLWEBDEV - St. Louis Web Developers (

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Meetings are free and open to everyone. This is an open group to facilitate communications between diverse professions involved in Internet/Intranet design and development. STLWEBDEV is also the St. Louis chapter of the International Webmasters Association and the HTML Writers Guild (IWA-HWG).

Savvis Communications (across from Maryville Centre)
1 Savvis Parkway (near I-64 and 141)
Chesterfield, MO 63017

GAMUG - Gateway Area Macintosh Users Group (

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. GAMUG has a number of active SIGs, so be sure to check out their web site. Of special interest is the Mac OS X SIG (which meets in Fenton). Membership is $30 a year for individuals.

Parkway Central High School
369 N. Woods Mill Rd. (Hwy. 141, between Olive and Ladue)
Chesterfield, MO 63017

CCSL - Computer Consultants of St. Louis (
Monthly Dinner Meeting

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at Cheshire Inn. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Cost is $20 for members, $25 for non-members. Call 314-995-4652 (by the previous Friday) or email for reservations. Social hour starts at 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6:30pm.

Cheshire Inn
6306 Clayton Rd.
St. Louis, MO

SILUG - Southern Illinois LUG (
O'Fallon meeting

The SILUG O'Fallon meeting is generally on the 1st Thursday of the month. It runs from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

O'Fallon City Library
120 Civic Plaza
O'Fallon, IL 62269

SILUG - Southern Illinois LUG (
Carbondale meeting

The SILUG Carbondale meeting is the 3rd Monday of the month, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The location can vary due to scheduling issues, so be sure to double-check their web site.

Morris Library, Room 325
Carbondale, IL

LUCI - Linux Users of Central Illinois (

All LUCI meetings are held at the same location, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. General meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of the month, and Newbie night is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Illinois State Museum Research & Collections Center
1011 East Ash St.
Springfield, IL 62703

CORCC - County Older Residents Computer Club (

Meets (almost) every Friday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Provides free classes for seniors 55 or older. For info, contact Tom Kimber ( or Arthur Hollman (

Prairie Commons Library
915 Utz Lane (between Howdershell and Dunn)
Hazelwood, MO

We publish meeting schedules of groups in the St. Louis region that may be of interest to our members. If you would like to have info added about your group, please mail the newsletter editor ( or call any of the SLUUG officers.

Submitting Articles to the SLUUG Cronicle

If you would like to submit an article to the Cronicle of general interest to the members of the St. Louis UNIX Users Group, send your info or complete article to The deadline for article submissions is the day prior to the last day of the month. Plain HTML format is preferred.

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