The UNIX® CRONicle

August 1999

Official Publication of the STL!/unix/usr/group

UNIX® is a registered trademark of the Open Group
Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds
Online version:

Table of Contents

Next Meeting Details

Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 6:30 PM
Sunnen Products, 7910 Manchester

6:30 PM Tutorial Secure Use of DSL at Home by Chad Bersche
6:45 PM Plus A Recent DSL Installation Experience by Tom Parsons
7:00 PM Call For Help (An opportunity for you to ask technical questions of the group)

7:15 PM Social, off-line conversations, & book sales

7:20 PM Admittance to building may no longer be possible See Meeting Directions

7:30 PM Presentation Single-line DSL Technology by Peter Roberts, Tim Natsch, et. al.


Single-line DSL Technology by Peter Roberts, Tim Natsch, et. al.

Phoenix Networks and NorthPoint Communications will provide a presentation on Single-line Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) Technology.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and small businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. xDSL refers to different variations of DSL, such as ADSL, HDSL, and RADSL. Assuming your home or small business is close enough to a telephone company central office that offers DSL service, you may soon be able to receive data at rates up to 6.1 megabits (millions of bits) per second (of a theoretical 8.448 megabits per second), enabling continuous transmission of motion video, audio, and even 3-D effects. More typically, individual connections will provide from 1.544 Mbps to 512 Kbps downstream and about 128 Kbps upstream. A DSL line can carry both data and voice signals and the data part of the line is continuously connected.

Digital Subscriber Line is a technology that assumes digital data does not require change into analog form and back. Digital data is transmitted to your computer directly as digital data and this allows the phone company to use a much wider bandwidth for transmitting it to you. Meanwhile, if you choose, the signal can be separated so that some of the bandwidth is used to transmit an analog signal so that you can use your telephone and computer on the same line and at the same time.

Presenters will include:

Peter Roberts CEO - Phoenix Networks
Tom Conboy National Sales Manager - Phoenix Networks
Robert Froelich Account Relations Manager - NorthPoint Communications
Tim Natsch District Manager - St. Louis - NorthPoint Communications

[ Editor's Notes:


See - DSL and xDSL - Digital Subscriber Line and its variations for:

  • How It Works
  • Technical Descriptions
  • Factors Affecting the Experienced Data Rate
  • Who's Offering It When
  • Hardware Offerings
  • Types of DSL
  • A DSL Summary Table
  • Selected Links and more...

    Other: - DSL Services & DSL: The Corporate Connection - CIT/OSS Remote Access Presentation - Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Technology - DSL MultiDSL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),1087,8_161711,00.html
    - EarthLink Poised to Launch Nationwide Consumer DSL Service - BellSouth denies ADSL to Linux Users - CNET BellSouth DSL leaves Linux in the lurch - Inside Info on ADSL and BellSouth - BellSouth continues obstinacy on Linux/ADSL.

    What else??? -- editor ]


    Secure Use of DSL at Home by Chad Bersche

    Short summary of things to do, check lists and planning for the secure use of DSL at home. All with the goal of keeping other Internet users off of your personal disk drive.

    Chad Bersche is a Systems Engineer with Sun Microsystems, Inc. in St. Louis covering named accounts since 1997. He specializes in data warehouse systems, interoperability, clusters, and systems management. Chad has over 10 years experience in the IT industry, starting in 1987. He has held positions as a mainframe operator for Wal*Mart Stores and J.B. Hunt Transport, as well as acting as a Small Business Consultant and Customer Engineer for IBM.

    Chad started with UNIX in 1989 where he was systems administrator for 200+ Sun workstations and servers at the University of Arkansas College of Engineering. Prior to Sun Microsystems, he worked in the Data Warehouse service line of Ernst & Young, LLP where he was responsible for the technical architecture and design of multi-terabyte data warehouse systems as well as system benchmarks and tuning efforts.

    His last SLUUG presentation was on the Solaris Resource Manger at the March 1999 general meeting.


    A Recent DSL Installation Experience by Tom Parsons

    First hand experience with Tom's recent home installation.

    Tom Parsons is a reliable Steering Committee attendee and ITEC support volunteer that always adds the extra special bit of technical knowlege to any discussion. He is a strong SCO Unix VAR, service provider and most knowlegable Unix professional. He also manages the CompuServe SCO discussion forum.

    His last SLUUG presentation was a live installation of the free for educational and non-commercial use release of SCO Unix at the December 1996 general meeting.

    Special Promotion(s)

    The Java in a Nutshell ref cover White Camel for Perl books
    blue triangle right Title of the Month

    The 25% discount special this month is on any Java or Perl book. Get a free Tee Shirt with any $30 purchase.

    All regularly priced titles are 10% off retail cost at the general meeting.
    (Excludes featured, or specially priced or promotional items)
    O'Reilly Logo

    The O'Reilly and Associates line of books is available at each monthly general meeting as a convenience to our members.

    Each month features a book related to that month's presentation or tutorial topic.

    Discounts off retail cost are offered to all members and each month's featured book(s) may be additionally discounted. Usually, all titles are discounted 10%, while special titles are discounted 25%.

    Upcoming Meetings

    [St. Louis UNIX Users Group stuff]
    General Meeting August 11, 1999 at 6:30 PM
    Sunnen Products
    7910 Manchester
    St. Louis, MO

    Steering Committee August 16, 1999 at 6:00 PM
    Daugherty Systems
    One City Place (2nd floor)
    Creve Coeur, MO

    Linux SIG August 19, 1999 at 7:00 PM
    ( TOPIC: ) Something Really Good by Some Guy
    Indian Trails Library
    8400 Delport Drive
    (at Midland)

    Free August 24, 1999 at 8:30 AM
    Microsoft WinNT eCommerce One-Day event
    Register at using Code: STL99
    Or send questions by .
    Some Place In
    St. Louis MO

    Atlanta October 12-16, 1999
    Register at
    Third annual Atlanta Linux Showcase
    Some Place In
    Atlanta GA

    Meeting Directions

    The STL!/unix/usr/group meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Sunnen Products, 7910 Manchester Blvd, just east of Hanley on Manchester.

    Directions From Downtown

    1. Take 40 West to the Hanley exit.
    2. Turn left (south) onto Hanley.
    3. Turn left (east) onto Manchester, then turn right ASAP into the Sunnen Products driveway.

    See map at

    (NOTE: A security guard from Sunnen is scheduled to be at the door from 6:20 PM to 7:20 PM to allow entry. After 7:20, the door will be unattended and attendees may not be able to enter.)

    The SLUUG Steering Committee meets the Tuesday following the general meeting at 6:00 PM in the 2nd floor training room of Daugherty Systems, One City Place in Creve Coeur.

    The SLUUG Linux SIG (SLUUGLS) meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Indian Trails Public Library.

    See map at

    Article(s): The following article(s) express(es) personal opinions and SLUUG exerts no more editorial control over such content than does a public library, bookstore, or newsstand. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or Content expressed herein are those of the respective author(s) and not necessarily supported by SLUUG. SLUUG does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content, nor its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
    SLUUG BBS Computers Moved by Gary Meyer, Chad A. Bersche & Steering Committee

    The BBS computer systems have been physically moved Fri-Sat 30-31 July. There was about 26 hours of down time from Friday at 3pm until 5pm Sat. We believe most users and services are back in operation.

    As you may (or may not) be aware, the St. Louis UNIX Users group is currently in the process of finding a new permanent home for our BBS computer systems.

    These systems were located in Simon Hall, Olin School of Business at Washington University. We had to move because our previous home is being remodeled from a computer room into office cubes.

    Washington University has been very kind to us over the last few years and allowed us the opportunity to run many versions of UNIX, compare and contrast them, and have excellent Internet access for our tests. We owe a big thanks to the Olin School of Business.

    Net news is still currently a problem for shell based users altho it is working for PPP. We hope to solve that in future weeks but no guarenttees.

    Some of the systems aren't up at the moment. Only MICHELOB and DARK are up with the terminal server. This is a temporary location and we are looking for a permanent home.

    The IP addresses on the terminal server are the same as before but those of MICHELOB and DARK have changed. DARK is now only seen as with its new IP address.

    The move was a bit more hectic than we had planned. We thought we had it planned out but in the last days, our intended new site was not available. Tony Zafiropolus came forward at that point and offered his companies office and its 64k ISDN connection. A big thanks to Tony. We all will need to be observant of performance and we will be careful not to over tax Tony's bandwidth.

    And LOTS of thanks to many of our members for taking part in the move. Stan Reichardt spent most of 3 days that week on site packing and moving. We would have never gotten the move done without his efforts. Rich Seibel, Ed Wehner, Tony Zafiropolous, & Gary Meyer all were on site for the effort. Jim Knight, Chad Berche, Tom Parsons, Allen Reuter and Don Ellis were involved. Maury Pepper, Steve Totten and others (my apologies for my limited memory at this moment) contributed ideas by phone & e-mail.

    So, what does this temporary move mean to the membership? Well, in the best case, nothing. In the worst case, the eventual termination of e-mail and Internet access services currently provided by the BBS.

    You may want to consider some possible contingency if you are using the BBS for either Internet or mail access. Obviously, should the BBS no long be a feasible venture, those with no other Internet access will want to explore options to get such access, if desired. If it's free Internet access you're looking for, and don't mind some advertising, you may want to explore NetZero ( If you're seeking only free e-mail access (without Internet browsing capabilities), you may wish to explore Juno ( ).

    Additionally, for those that may frequently change Internet providers, or otherwise have a need for centralized management of mail, you may want to check out I-Name ( ). This service provides, for free, a e-mail address, which can allow your mail to be stored at the I-Name servers and able to be read via any standard Web browser, or alternatively, you may set up your username to forward mail to another account, seamlessly. Now, you're probably asking yourself, what's this get me? Good question! First, if you use an I-Name account (or something offering similar functionality), you may never experience the need to change your e-mail address ever again (unless of course, Iname goes belly-up, but you're no worse off than currently). This means, for instance, that if you use the SLUUG BBS for Internet access and it goes away, all you need to do is go to your alternative or new ISP, log into your I-Name account, and change all mail to be forwarded to your new e-mail provider (this could even be another free providers, such as Yahoo Mail, Netscsape Mail, etc.). This also works if you change locales entirely (i.e. you relocate from St. Louis to California). You change things once, at one place, and you're golden.

    What other services that you currently have might also be affected, you may be wondering. If we are able to return to Washington University (in another department, computer room, etc.) previous full access will return, with possible outages during moves, etc. We will keep the membership informed of this on a timely basis. However, if we are forced to move permanetly outside of the Washington University campus, the possibility exists that Usenet feeds may be interrupted, or non-existant for some time.

    Rest assured, however, that the Steering Committee and others are actively pursuing all avenues that will allow us to continue operations in whatever means possible. We continue to WELCOME ANY LEADS ON OTHER POSSIBLE LOCATIONS for the BBS computer systems, modems, phone lines, etc.

    Please let us know if you can help us out. We assure you that we are very good tenants! If you need more specific information on the hardware or other aspects of these BBS computer systems, please contact Gary Meyer by sending

    We have established an alternate Web page on an externally hosted site to provide timely information on future changes to the BBS. This site will not rely on the BBS systems, and thus should be available to those members that have alternative Internet access at work, school, etc. In addition, the possibility of an informational phone message line is being explored.

    Important Sites, etc.: - Alternate SLUUG home page, if our server goes down. - If our web server remains up it will tell you if there are new phone numbers, IP addresses, etc..

    If you can't get back on and you can't access the above site you can call and find out if its back up or projection of "how long".

  • (314)-781-8644 - Gary's home number or
  • (314)-878-0394 - Rich's home number.

  • - Free e-mail forwarding service for those interested
  • - Free (advertiser supplemented) Internet access site
  • - Free (advertiser supplemented) dial-up Internet Mail service (no browsing without additional fees)
  • - Free web-based e-mail service provided by Yahoo!
  • - Free web-based e-mail service provided by Netscape
  • - Free web-based e-mail service provided by Hotmail (A Micro$oft company)
  • Boardwatch Magazine's Directory of Internet Service Providers

    Legal Disclaimer: All products and brand names are copyright their respective companies. Any mention of a product, service, or company on this page should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of the product, service, or company by the St. Louis UNIX Users Group. Further, the St. Louis UNIX Users Group assumes no liability for any user that chooses to use or elects not to use the forementioned products, services, or companies.

    Attendance Survey Results - Twenty Pegs In Square Holes

    Below are results of the attendance & survey sheets collected at the...

    SLUUG General meeting on 14 July 1999:

  • 32 Actual head count.
  • 20 Attendance & survey sheets were turned in.
  • 5 attendees requested to be subsribed to our email newsletter.
  • 2 attendees requested email address changes for the newsletter.

    [ Note that due to an unexpected last minute personal event the attendance slips and survey sheets were not avaliable to be handed out at the Linux SIG meeting. ]

    Results of each question on our OPTIONAL survey/questionaire:

    1. Did you attend the last SLUUG General meeting?


  • 1 - - No response
  • 8 - - yes
  • 11 - - no, of which 4 - never attended one before.

    2. Did you attend the last SLUUG Linux SIG meeting?


  • 1 - - No response
  • 9 - - yes
  • 10 - - no, of which 4 - never attended one before.

    3. Why did you NOT attend the last SLUUG General meeting that you missed?


  • 4 - - No response
  • 1 - - Does not apply, I just don't go to any General Meetings.
  • 2 - - Does not apply, I just never miss any General Meetings.
  • 1 - - Attended Party in the Park - Clayton.
  • 1 - - Attended other computer meeting - OOSIG.
  • 1 - - Topic NOT interesting, little or no technical value.
  • 1 - - Forgot, and did get newsletter.
  • 1 - - Forgot, and did not get newsletter.
  • 1 - - Forgot, and did get newsletter or reminder.
  • 2 - - I had to wax my cat.
  • 5 - - I had to work (yeah, right).

    4. Tutoral (only at General meeting):

    The History of Editors by Rich Seible


  • 3 - NA - No response to question
  • 3 - NA - Excellent
  • 8 - NA - Good
  • 5 - NA - Fair
  • 1 - NA - Late, didn't see.

    5. Presentation:

  • General Meeting: Learning VI Editing Commands by Stan Reichardt
  • Linux SIG: Securing Web Services by Matthew Feldt


  • 3 - - No response
  • 5 - - Excellent
  • 10 - - Good
  • 2 - - Fair


  • Presentation slowed by many comments from floor.
  • Time mangagement, presentation at 1930 became presentaion at 2023.
  • Request for more on Tex/LaTex
  • Request for advanced VI topics: tricks, scripts, filters, & VIM features.

    This was really too small of a survey population to give any meaninful results.

    We may forego questions over the next month or so.

    Mike Kriz is New Treasurer

    submitted by Gary Meyer

    Mike takes over from Christine Wanta. Christine's job has changed and are causing time conflicts. We thank Christine for volunteering.

    Mike Kriz was appointed as Treasurer of SLUUG in July. Mike is best known to most of us as our frequent tutorialist. Mike is also one of the original members of this group and a former board member. Mike also contributed to early building of the BBS. The Steering Committee is grateful that Mike has stepped in and immediately gotten to work.

    Interesting Browsing!

    To keep up with NET events: daily news of mostly (but not only) Linux events. news for nerds - stuff that matters! daily updates of Internet software releases. (check out the "appindex" button). Because There's More Than One Way to Compute. Linux Weekly News. Tracks when numerous WWW pages were last updated.

    For the Paranoid: Careful, they might hear you. - Congress, NSA butt heads over Echelon - The war over your personal privacy is over. You Lost! - Britain Tapped Communications

    To configure a Linux machine: Specs on over 2100 monitors from 150+ manufacturers. After Monitor FAQ page follow Performance Parameters link. The monitor data base that had the one that I wanted! Knowlege base of Linux compatible modems!

    For the Linux beginner: - What is Linux? Useful info and easy downloads. - ...for newbies. - Linux Administration Made Easy" (LAME) Pre-Release - The Linux Documentation Project - Unix/Linux Printing HOWTO Support Database

    The following is a quick talk about Dual Booting, with specific steps for using the WinNT boot loader, and mounting NT file systems under Linux: - Linux and Windows on one computer - Linux Software Encyclopedia - Shareware, Freeware, Demos and Betas for M$-Windoze and Linux - Why Linux matters: An admiring essay ( quite long )

    More about "vi"
    The following "VI Pages" link from is the most extensive that I've seen: - The Vi Editor and its clones

    Novell moves NDS toward Linux (24Mar99) - CNET Novell giving away source code (18May99) - ComputerWorld: Novell to develop directory services for Linux (18May99) - PCWeek: Novell confirms Netoria deal, NDS for Linux (18May99) - InfoWorld: Linux gets systems management nod from Novell, CA (9Jul99) - TechWeb: Novell's Head Of R&D Maps Out Direction

    Special - Definition of hacker from The Jargon File - Ziff-Davis Open Source Forum - The Open Group and IEEE: joint revision to POSIX / UNIX Standards

    Fun - The Widget Box by Harry Martin - Linux Games - Even Penguins Like to Have Fun

    Other or - EXT2: Y2K and Linux

    Personal Commentary submitted by Almost Anybody

    The following PERSONAL COMMENTARY expresses personal opinions and SLUUG exerts no more editorial control over such content than does a public library, bookstore, or newsstand. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or Content expressed herein are those of the respective author and not necessarily supported by SLUUG. SLUUG does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content, nor its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

    Well, I recon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest because Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and civilize me and I can't stand it. I been there before. -- Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain

    Special Interest Groups (SIGS)

    As our membership grows, we have had some inquiries about the possibility of having Special Interest Groups in several areas. If you are interested in starting or participating in a SIG for System Administration, Networking, C, Object Oriented Programming, a specific vendor, etc., please call Dave Mills at 230-5151, extension 103, or contact any officer of the group.

    St. Louis Unix Users Group - Linux SIG (SLUUGLS)

    Visit the Linux SIG home page ( for the latest meeting details.

    Indian Trails Public Library
    8400 Delport Drive
    (at Midland)
    Follow 170: Exit Page east to North-South Rd., go left on North-South Rd. to Midland, go left on Midland one block to Delport, the Library is on your left (see map at

    For more information on SLUUGLS refer to the WWW home page for the group at or contact Matthew Feldt by

    Computer Telephony Integration User's Group (SLUUG CiTI)

    The CTI SIG is no longer having regular meetings and is currently using a webboard format.

    The Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Users Group is a non-profit organization open to developers, end-users, sales people, and others who share the common interest of melding the telecommunications and computing worlds.

    For more information on SLUUG CiTI contact Tony Zafiropoulos by or (314)878-9855.

    Digital Alpha SIG

    The Digital Alpha SIG is for those interested in Digital UNIX and the DEC Alpha architecture. Visit the Digital Alpha SIG's home at for more information.

    St. Louis UNIX Users Group Steering Committee

    The SLUUG Steering Committee meets the Tuesday following the general 2nd Wednesday meeting at 6:00 PM in the 2nd floor training room of Daugherty Systems, One City Place in Creve Coeur. The guard can direct you to the meeting location. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you would like to become more involved in the planning of SLUUG, feel free to join us at the next Steering Committee meeting. Meetings usually last 1.5 to 2 hours.


  • Analysts International
  • Andersen Consulting
  • CIBER, Inc.
  • Cypress Systems, Ltd.
  • Daugherty Systems
  • Informix Corporation
  • Maryville Data Systems, Inc.
  • O'Reilly & Associates
  • Renaissance Worldwide, Inc.
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Sunnen Products
  • Sykes Enterprises, Inc.
  • Venmar Systems, Inc.

  • The Law Offices of Rich McLennan, send

    For more information about sponsoring the St. Louis UNIX Users Group, contact Ed Wehner, send

    SLUUG on the World Wide Web

    The St. Louis UNIX Users Group maintains a WWW page at Visit us to learn more about who we are and what we do, visit other UNIX user groups' WWW pages, sign up for a SIG, or just to browse.

    SLUUG Administration is volunteer based.

    SLUUG is looking for volunteers to help with presentations, web page development, managing corporate sponsorships, and many other tasks. If you would like to help out, contact Chris Wanta by or visit


    We publish other user group meeting schedules on a reciprocal basis. If you are a member of another non-profit group, please inform them of our policy and invite them to exchange meeting information by, or call any of the SLUUG officers.


    Address Changes
    and Membership
    Klaus Mueller Home: +1 (573) 334-6477
    331 S Spring Ave
    Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
    BBS Questions Jim (Knight) Ford
    Corporate Sponsors Ed Wehner
    Editorial team:
    Publisher Sanjiv Bhatia Home: (314)519-9272
    Work: (314)516-6520
    FAX: (314)516-5400
    Editor Stan Reichardt Home: (314)298-1183
    O'Reilly Books Dave Mills Work: (314)230-5151, extension 103
    Presentations Open Position Currently send info/ideas to
    Steering Committee
    Gary Meyer Home: (314)781-8644
    SLUUG Treasurer Mike Kriz
    Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

    Computer Telephony
    Integration (CTI)
    Tony Zafiropoulos Phone: (314)878-9855
    Linux Matthew Feldt Home: (314)429-5433

    Submitting Articles to the SLUUG CRONicle

    If you would like to submit an article to the CRONicle of general interest to the members of the St. Louis UNIX Users Group,send The deadline for article submissions is two weeks before the next general meeting.

    SLUUG PO Box

    The St. Louis UNIX Users Group has a P.O. box. All official correspondence with SLUUG should now be sent to:

        St. Louis UNIX Users Group
        P.O. Box 411302
        Creve Coeur Post Office
        St. Louis, MO  63141-9998