Excerpt from preamble to proposal:

Below is my proposal for management, control, operation, and leadership
of the Linux SIG and other SIGs.  Since I do not expect this to be
implemented, at least without major revisions, the structure and
details are not perfected.  It should convey my intention to allow
members to control their SIGs in harmony with the goals of the
entire organization.  Details on who approves expenses, etc. are
examples of items thrown in as a starting point, not a hard
requirement that this be the final wording.

    Mike Knight


Add a new section to the SLUUG bylaws giving some rules for SIGs.
Perhaps having two categories:
  1. An informal SIG may be established by a vote of the Board of
     Directors.  A SIG leader must be appointed by the board and
     other SIG related positions and appointees may be nominated
     by the leader and ratified by the board.
  2. A formal SIG may be created when 10% of the members of a SIG
     petition the board.  A committee will be appointed to create
     SIG bylaws which must be certified by a majority vote of the
     SLUUG board.  The SIG will not be effective until the bylaws
     are approved by a majority vote of SIG members.  A formal SIG
     must maintain an annual membership of at least 10.

Additional SLUUG information on SIGs:
  - SIG members are SLUUG members.  They are eligible and encouraged to
    vote and participate in other SLUUG activities.
  - SLUUG members are not automatically SIG members, but can become
    a SIG member by attending two regular SIG meetings.
  - Regular SIG meetings are "member meetings" for considering a
    person a member of SLUUG.  Special events are not.
  - SIG leaders are encouraged, but not required to participate in
    planning meetings of SLUUG.  (Not mentioning Steering Committee
    since it is not official).
  - Members may petition the SLUUG board for a hearing of concerns if
    they feel the SIG management is violating SIG or SLUUG policies
    or bylaws.  Details TBD, but may require signatures of 10% of
    SIG members, a period for the SLUUG board to respond, etc.
  - SIGs may not collect membership dues except as part of a common
    SLUUG dues structure.
  - SLUUG sponsors may direct that part or all of their sponsorship be
    allocated to SIG(s).  SIGs may solicit sponsorship on behalf of
    SLUUG, but final approval must be by the same authority as SLUUG
    sponsorships.  Sponsors may be listed in general SLUUG promotions
    or SIG specific promotions, but not both.
  - All meetings (SIG or not) will be open to the public and announced
    in advance.  Minutes will be published and publicly available.
    Closed meetings and minutes should only be held following the same
    guidelines as outlined in the Missouri Sunshine law.

Bylaws of the SIG must:
  - Include sections for membership, elections, voting, offices,
    amendments to bylaws, member initiated call for special meetings
    and elections, etc.
  - Have a SIG leader position of whatever title they desire.
    The leader must be elected annually, either directly be the SIG
    members or by a board that is elected annually by the members.
  - Support and be consistent with the SLUUG bylaws and policies.
     + This might include require taking attendance to track membership.
     + Have similar procedures for voting.
     + Might have elections at a certain time of the year.
  - Amendments to SIG bylaws must be reviewed and approved by the
    board of directors.  They must meet within 60 days after the SIG
    membership approves the changes.  Changes are approved unless 2/3
    of the board votes against them.

Bylaws of the SIG may, but are not required to:
  - Establish a board of directors if desired, not required.
  - Include additional boards, committees, offices, functions.
  - Describe meetings, goals of the SIG, etc.

Additional SIG information:
  - SIGs may establish whatever policies, procedures, schedules for
    general member meetings, presentations, special meetings, and
    other events they desire as long as they are consistent with the
    goals and rules of SLUUG and the SIG.
  - SIGs may not enter into contracts, hire employees, make financial
    commitments (except as otherwise provided), etc. without approval
    of the SLUUG board.
  - SIGs may establish mailing lists, web sites, and other methods
    desired to communicate to and among members.  Non-SIG members must
    be allowed to participate.  These should be consistent with other
    SLUUG communication media and tools.  Since SIG members are SLUUG
    members, any SIG mailing list will be a subset of SLUUG membership
    mailing lists, that is, SIG members will receive all general SLUUG

Finances of SIG's.  There is limited discussion of finances in the SLUUG
bylaws or articles of incorporation, so there is little to copy for a SIG.
  - Each SIG may request the SLUUG Treasurer keep a separate accounting of
    the funds allocated to the SIG.  The funds will be kept in a common
    financial account for economies of scale and accountability.
  - Expenses up to $50 may be authorized by the SIG leader.
  - Higher expenses must be approved in advanced by the SLUUG president
    or treasurer.
  - SIGs may be allocated a portion of annual dues or other general
    revenues in proportion to the number of members as of the start of
    the fiscal year.
  - SIGs may receive directed donations with the approval of the SLUUG
    president or board.
  - Funds and equipment of a SIG will revert to SLUUG if the SIG